21 Powerful Mindfulness Affirmations for Inner Calm and Relief from Anxiety

Just like, how you can use good habits to beat bad ones, positive affirmations can be used to challenge and redirect negative thoughts.  An affirmation is a phrase or set of phrases that you repeat to yourself to affirm a belief or thought. By working with daily affirmations or morning affirmations, you can set intention into your day.  

With this list of positive affirmations, you can tap into your mind power to reduce stress and learn to live in the moment.  Not only can these affirmations help you be mindful but they can work as relaxation exercises and relaxation techniques for anxiety.  Mindfulness based stress reduction paired with positive sayings, like these personal affirmations, are sure to bring more calm positive thoughts.

Words of affirmation can be used like positive mantra’s, meaning the weight you put into them is up to you.  If you can believe these positive phrases then you can make them a reality.

Daily positive affirmations, because of the repetition, begin to feel true the more you say them.  This creates a habit of positive thinking.

I know how sucky it is to feel like you’re always worried about something on the horizon.  It feels like your mind is working against you and it starts to affect your health. I could never sleep, I always felt lethargic and tired, and something was always working against me.  

Being able to have positive affirmations for anxiety helps me to chill out.  Once I start feeling the overthinking sneak up, I can feel confident knowing that I have positive affirmation after positive affirmation to distract and bring my mind back.  By using these affirmations to create mindfulness for anxiety, you can begin to eliminate the stress caused by being too much in your head.

These do not need to be just positive affirmations for anxiety relief though.  You can use these to create more mindfulness and calm for any day.

I only exist right now.

I am calm.

I will not worry about things out of my control.

I have nothing to worry about.  

I am free from constraints.

I choose to exist right now.

I am here in the present moment.

I have the power to change what does not serve me.

I will focus on what makes me happy.

Challenges only bring me closer to my goals.  

I will be mindful and aware of my body and space.

I attract positive energy.

I am prioritizing my happiness.

My mind is calm.

I am free to let go of fear.

I will not be held back by the past.

I create the world I am in.

I surrender my fear and doubts, as they do not serve me.

All is well in this moment.

My thoughts are not me.

I choose to replace worry with love and acceptance.  

Feel free to save these affirmations for coming back to.  

Mindfulness opens the door to a calmer life where living in the moment is second nature.  Positive affirmation words like these can help to remind you to be more mindful. You can be a self fulfilling prophecy by using positive self affirmations to be the calmest, least stressed person ever!