3 Ways Meditation can make you More Happy

Too many of us are living in a world where the present moment is filled with thoughts of the not so present moment.  Because of this, establishing an identity that is not riddled with doubts and anxieties can be extremely difficult. Meditation can help to rewire our brains and pull us back to the present moment.  Through the practice of meditation, we can gain a better understanding of own mind and the situations we may find ourselves in.

Keep scrolling to find out exactly how meditation can help to improve your life!


Reduce Anxiety - In the Moment Breathing Techniques

Do you know that moment of worry right before something big?  Maybe it's a job interview or dinner with the in-laws. Whatever the issue you can gain the ability to accept and control your emotions, no matter the challenge you face.  Focusing your attention on something small and relatively consistent can help to channel your feelings.

When you begin to feel doubts or worries come on try to focus that energy onto your breathe instead.  Mark the in and out breaths(Count 1 and 2, In and Out, etc.) and focus on the sensations you feel. Try not to entertain the negative emotions or get swept up in them.  Acknowledge the negative feeling but do not feed them.

By working to learn how to let go of emotions that do not serve you we can become less reactive and calmer when stressful emotions arise.  

Self Awareness - Physical and Emotional Sensations

Sometimes we are disconnected from our bodies and become unaware of the sensations we are experiencing. We can be too consumed in our thoughts that physical sensations get forgotten about.  By dedicating time to experiencing the somewhat forgotten sensations we can become more aware of them in our life day to day.

Body scans are a relatively easy way to become more in touch with the sensations in our bodies.  By taking a few moments of your day to explore different body parts and how they are feeling allows for a better dialog within ourselves.  Scanning the body can give an understanding of how stress and tension are held.

Starting from the head and working downward we can acknowledge how each body part feels and work to release any tension we might feel.  When we focus on physical sensations we allow the mind and body to feel synced.


Perspective Shift - Acknowledging and Letting Go of Emotions

When we are faced with stress and problems, how we react can have a major effect on the outcome of the scenario.  By feeding into our emotions we can get caught up and become unable to see everything clearly. Meditation helps us to let go of our emotions.  Your emotions are not permanent nor should they define how we react. We can have strong emotions without being them and that’s exactly what meditation is trying to teach us.  

We can acknowledge our situation and how that makes us feel but until we have the ability to separate our emotions from it we cannot easily be at peace with anything uncomfortable.  Once we are fully able to step back and look from an objective point of view, we are able to make decisions easier and less clouded by emotions.


Meditation acts in many ways to help calm us and help us let go.  When we use techniques from different meditation practices we can reduce worries, become more in tune with our sensations, and help to change our perspective.  Meditation has many lessons to teach us, these are only a few that you can start implementing in your life right now. We are constantly bombarded by stress and even more stressful situations, by facing them with a level head and a clear mind we can work to make ourselves more comfortable overall.  

Are you a beginner meditator? Maybe you’ve never even meditated before. Here’s a simple guide to meditation!  This is the basics of starting meditation and can be used to help you get started with your meditation journey.  Breathe mindfully!

Have you noticed any benefits from your meditation practice?  What makes you want to meditate in the first place?

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