Shower Meditation How to - Easy Visualization Technique to Clean your Mind and Body

Normally when you think of meditation you probably don’t think about doing it in the shower. Interestingly enough, meditation can be very versatile. You can practice meditation techniques throughout the day and in most activities. Meditation helps to calm and center the mind and this shower meditation is no different.

When worries and upset builds it can sometimes be difficult to let the negative feelings go. This shower meditation is designed to help you wash away stress and discomfort through the act of visualization. There are many different types of meditation to choose from and getting started with meditation is really easy.

So, let’s jump on in!


Surprisingly enough this shower meditation doesn’t start in the shower. It starts in the bathroom before you’ve removed your clothes.

Start by taking a deep breath and grounding into the moment.

As you remove your clothes imagine yourself peeling off your outer shell. Feel into your vulnerability.

Turn the water on and as you wait for it to become warm, listen to the sound it makes, feel the air around you start changing, and take another deep breath. Feel the air fill your lungs fully and on your exhale feel yourself loosen up and begin to let go.

Now that the water is warm, step into it. Acknowledge the feeling of it hitting your body and washing away.

From here, keeping your eyes closed can help you to focus more on the act of cleansing yourself. You don’t need to keep your eyes closed the whole time if that is uncomfortable but when you can try to close them.

Feel the warm water wash over you and imagine it softening your entire body.

Begin to wet your hair, feeling the water now running down the length of your body. As you continue to shampoo and condition your hair, imagine yourself washing all your thoughts and letting them run down the drain and out of your mind.

With your mind empty and your hair clean grab your body wash or soap to begin cleansing your body. Take another deep breath and notice the smell of the soap in your hand. Starting with your face and neck, gently wash. Imagine that every time you touch your body to the soap that some of your stresses wash away. Continuing down your shoulders and arms, all while letting go of any emotions or worries that arise. Let the soap act as a buffer between you and your negative thoughts.

Move down your torso and back and take note of your posture, finding a place that your body feels comfortable. A lot of people hold stress in their back and not only can you help that by visualizing the stress wash away but the hot or warm water can help muscle recovery.

Again move further down your body to your hips and legs, all the while letting the stresses you wash out continue to run down the drain. Finish the cleanse by soaping all the way down to your toes. Think about the soap pushing out any last worries, before stepping directly under the water again.

Let the water run down your body one last time. Visualize a white light radiating out from your head. Feel the water as it spreads the light down to the rest of your body, illuminating you. Feel the light shining through the now clean window of your mind. Hold onto the feeling before taking three deep and long breaths.

Now you can turn off the shower and get out. Once you step out to take a moment to notice how you feel.

This kind of meditation can be really good if you have a busy schedule and feel like you can’t fit anything else in, or you are just looking to find more moments in which that you can be mindful. Regardless of your situation, stresses seem to be everywhere and sometimes letting go of them can be hard.

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Have you tried more unconventional methods of meditation like this? Leave me a comment telling me how your meditation went!

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