How I stopped creative overwhelm so I could have peace with my creative practice

For a long time, I wondered why making and sharing my art felt like such a core. And although I don’t like to admit it, it kept going on this way until I eventually burned out. And even then I was left looking at my work and what I had created and had to ask myself why I felt so blocked and so unhappy with everything I had created. 

I remember waking up every morning for a while just hoping that maybe things would be different. That creative energy would strike and I would make something that I was really proud of. But it never happened. 

Not until I realized the source of my overwhelm. 

All the stories floating around in my head. Taking up space and stopping me from taking the action I know I needed to. 

Here’s what I had to learn…

Most people don’t yet know the true power of peace when it comes to creativity. But that’s because we are sold so many stories on what an artist is or is not. And you’re consciously or unconsciously living out these stories of what you’ve decided an artist is. 

Seriously take a look at what you tell yourself about how hard you have to work to be successful as an artist. 

Or about how much money you can make as an artist. 

Or any of the other things you maybe didn’t even realize you believe about was an artist should be/look like/etc. 

I can tell you that you’ve probably been sold a story of struggle and lack whether your an artist or not. But if you haven’t done any work to learn a new story then you will keep repeating the same old things you’ve always done. 

And keep getting the same old results you’ve always gotten.  

So if you’re ready for change, read on.

Let me keep it simple for. This is what you really need to know. 


So if you feel blocked or overworked and overwhelmed it’s time to address the root cause. The beliefs and stories you tell yourself. 

I know I wish I would’ve known sooner the being overwhelmed is NOT a normal experience. And it’s especially destructive to creative energy which is exactly why I’ve created the Artist Alignment Accelerator which gets to the root of the belief. So you don’t have to get caught in the overwhelmed+overworked pipeline to burnout. 

When you decide to say yes to having a powerful relationship with your creativity, drop your info in the box below and I’ll send you over all the details! (Plus a super useful ebook I’ve created for eliminating art block!)